Our vision in creating Halo Hook is to bring you a high quality, strong and portable bag hook which look great and is robust enough to hold even a heavier handbag (up to 8kg, in fact).
Hygiene has never been more important than it is right now and we wanted to create a solution to keeping handbags on dirty floors when going out. The peace of mind of having your bag safe, clean and secure - and within hands reach - make this product a must-have, and the perfect way to show off your bag when you're out!

Being a Sydney based business, we pride ourselves on our fast, accessible and friendly customer service. Get in touch if you have any issues with your purchase, from checkout to delivery and beyond. And stay in touch via Instagram or Facebook to be the first to know about offers, new products and competitions.

Halo Hook is Australia's premium bag hook brand, founded and based in beautiful Sydney, NSW.